Friday 28 December 2012

आदरणीय स्पीकएशियन्स,

कुछ प्रशन, जिसकी वजह से स्पीकएशिया के इरादों पर शक होता है।

1: स्पीक एशिया अपनी वेबसाइट वापसी की मांग क्यूँ नहीं कर रही?
उत्तर: EOW Mumbai की जांच जारी है, इस लिए अभी ऐसा करना संभव नहीं। आरोपपत्र (chargesheet ) दाखिल होने बाद कंपनी मांग कर सकती है।
2: कंपनी exit लेने वालों का भुगतान क्यूँ नहीं कर रही? जबकि 21 नवम्बर 2012 के update में कहा गया था कि हम पूरे जोरों से भुगतान शुरू करेंगे।
उत्तर: उसी अपडेट में कंपनी ने यह कहा था कि “भुगतान का पहला बैच कुछ पनेलिस्ट्स के बैंक खतों में परखने के लिए भेजा है। कंपनी इस समय यह डाटा एकत्रित कर रही है कि किसे मिला और किसे नहीं। कंपनी इसका कारण जानने की कोशिश में है कि जिन्हे नहीं मिला तो क्यूँ नहीं मिला और इसके उपाय क्या हैं? जैसे ही यह श्रम पूरा हो जायेगा, कंपनी पूरे जोरों से भुगतान शुरू कर देगी।“

3: तो फिर अब समस्या कहाँ है?
उत्तर: 21 दिसम्बर 2012 का कंपनी का अपडेट ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें। कंपनी ने कहा है कि “हम अपने आखिर अपडेट के मुताबिक स्पीक एशियन समुदाय को आगे बताना चाहते हैं कि पहले टेस्ट बैच को भेजे भुगतान का विश्लेषण किया है। कुछ मुश्किलें हैं जैसे कि एक ही पनेलिस्ट id के एक से ज्यादा दावेदार हैं, बैंक खातों का विवरण मेल नहीं खा रहा जो कि exit form में दिया गया था, जिसकी वजह से सबका भुगतान उनके खाते में नहीं आया। अब जबकि कारण मिल चुके हैं तो हम आशा रखते हैं कि इसका समाधान इस माह के अंत तक हो जायेगा। इसका समाधान होते ही हम परीक्षण भुगतान का दूसरा बैच भेज देंगे। दुसरे बैच के सफलतापूर्वक हो जाने के पश्चात् हम अपनी एग्जिट पालिसी के मुताबिक भुगतान आरंभ कर देंगे।“
4: कंपनी ने ऐसा क्यूँ कहा कि भुगतान संबंधी और भी बाधाएं हैं?
उत्तर: अगर कंपनी अपने पनेलिस्ट्स के साथ अपनी परेशानियां सांझी करती हैं तो इसमें हर्ज़ क्या है? उन्होंने कभी यह नहीं कहा कि बस एक ही मुसीबत है। बल्कि उनका यह कहना है कि “देरी के बहुत से कारणों में एक मुख्य कारण यह भी है कि सारा लेनदेन (transactions) और जांच(checking) मैन्युअली (manually) यानी कि खुद अपने हाथ से करनी है, क्यूंकि पुरानी स्वचालित प्रणाली (ऑटोमेटेड सिस्टम) आर्थिक अपराध शाखा मुंबई पुलिस के अधीन (custody ) है। हम अपने सभी स्पीक एशियन्स से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि कृपया सयंम बनाएं रखें और हमारे साथ सहन करें क्यूंकि हम बहुत ही विह्वलता से (feverishly) अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने की दिशा में निरंतर प्रयासरत हैं l” तो यहाँ मुश्किल एक नहीं अनेक हैं। अगर हम सभी ने एग्जिट फॉर्म में सही विवरण दिया होता तो शायद इतनी मुश्किल नहीं होती।
5: जिन्होंने अपना विवरण सही दिया है, उनका भुगतान क्यूँ नहीं किया गया?
उत्तर: दोबारा से 21 दिसम्बर 2012 का कंपनी अपडेट देखें। उसमे साफ़ साफ़ लिखा है कि “सारा लेनदेन (transactions) और जांच(checking) मैन्युअली (manually) यानी कि खुद अपने हाथ से करनी है, क्यूंकि पुरानी स्वचालित प्रणाली (ऑटोमेटेड सिस्टम) आर्थिक अपराध शाखा मुंबई पुलिस के अधीन (custody ) है। हम अपने सभी स्पीक एशियन्स से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि कृपया सयंम बनाएं रखें और हमारे साथ सहन करें क्यूंकि हम बहुत ही विह्वलता से (feverishly) से अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने की दिशा में निरंतर प्रयासरत हैं l” क्या यह हमारे लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है? ठीक है, कोई बात नहीं। मैं आपको बताता हूँ। मेरी समझ के मुताबिक अब कंपनी भुगतान तब तक नहीं करेगी, जब तक कि इस से जुडी सारी बाधाएं दूर नहीं हो जातीं और अब हमें दुसरे परिक्षण भुगतान का धैर्य से इंतजार करना चाहिए।

6: कई लोगों के ब्यान : स्पीक एशिया व्यवसाय शुरू करने से पहले एग्जिट का भुगतान नहीं करेगी।
उत्तर: ऐसा नहीं है। कंपनी इस से पहले अपना भुगतान करने को आतुर है, प्रयासरत है, और इच्छा भी है। क्यूंकि ऐसा करने से व्यवसाय को दोबारा शुरू करने में मदद मिलेगी। अगर इस बीच किसी भी तरह से व्यवसाय दोबारा शुरू हो जाता है तो एग्जिट भुगतान इसके बाद होगा, तो पहले और बाद वाली कोई बात नहीं है, परेशानियाँ दूर होनी चाहियें, बस।

7: कंपनी ने व्यवसाय को दोबारा शुरू करने की मांग कहाँ की है?
उत्तर: ऐसी किसी मांग का इस समय कोई आवश्यकता और औचित्य नहीं क्यूंकि आर्थिक अपराध शाखा मुंबई की जांच जारी है। जांच पूरी हो जाने के बाद ही कंपनी इस दिशा में ज़रूरी क़दम उठा सकती है।

8: तो स्पीकएशिया अपनी वेबसाइट वापसी की मांग क्यूँ नहीं कर रही? (फिर वही सवाल)
उत्तर: वेबसाइट की मांग व्यावसाय दोबारा शुरू करने का हिस्सा है। जब तक जांच जारी है, वेबसाइट की मांग नहीं की जा सकती। अदालत ने कहीं अगर मना कर दिया तो और लेने के देने।

9: स्पीक एशिया चोटी के वकीलों की सेवाएं भारत से सुरक्षित भाग जाने के लिए ले रही है।
उत्तर: स्पीक एशिया चोटी के वकीलों की सेवाएं भारत में सुरक्षित रूप से व्यावसाय को दोबारा शुरू करने के लिए ले रही है।

10: बहुत से लोग कहते हैं कि स्पीक एशिया कभी वापस नहीं आएगी।
उत्तर: सिक्के के दोनों पहलुओं को एक बार फिर गौर से देखें। अगर दोनों तरफ असली हैं तो उससे मैं कुछ उपयोगी खरीदूंगा।

11: कंपनी प्रबंधन (management) कहाँ है? सामने क्यूँ नहीं आते?
उत्तर: प्रबंधन को महसूस कीजिये। उनके बिना कुछ भी संभव नहीं है। हमारे आस पास बहुत कुछ हो रहा है। कौन कर रहा है? वह अभी सामने नहीं आ सकते क्यूंकि उनका सामने आना मेरी आपकी सोच से परे की बहुत सी मुश्किलें खड़ी कर सकता है। कई बार कुछ काम ढोल बजा के नहीं होते, उन्हे चुप चाप किया जाना ही समझदारी कहलाती है। यह अपनी अपनी समझ और विश्वास की बात है।

12: कई लोगों का प्रस्ताव: हमें एकजुट हो कर कुछ करना चाहिए।
उत्तर: जो भी सामने आएगा, उनके साथ कई लोग दुर्व्यवहार करेंगे और उसे अस्वीकृत (reject) कर देंगें जोकि बहुत ही निम्न सोच है। ऐस्पा पहले से ही यहाँ है जो पनेल्सिट्स के अधिकारों की रक्षा के लिए दिन रात लगी है। इसे समर्थन दें यां अनदेखा कर दें,
चुनाव हमारा है।

13: यह क्या बकवास लगा रखी है? स्पीक एशिया ने तो लूट लिया।
उत्तर: इसका मतलब कि आप पूरे तौर पर पढ़ नहीं रहे। क़ुदरत आपका भला करे।

14: स्पीक एशिया मेरा इकलौता कमाई का साधन था। मैं अपनी बुनियादी दैनिक ज़रूरतों को भी पूरा करने में असमर्थ हूँ।
उत्तर: हमेशा याद रखें: कमायें और खाएं।

टिप्पणी : जब भी कोई अपने विचार सांझा करे तो इसे उस व्यक्ति की समझ मानें । उसे एक दस्तावेज़ यां सबूत की तरह न देखें। क्यूंकि दस्तावेज़ बहुत ही खूबसूरत और पाक़ (pure) भी हो सकता है।

प्रार्थना : कृप्या इसे टुकड़ों टुकड़ों में न पढ़ें। सार जानने के लिए लेख को एक साथ रख के देखें।

(फिर भी कुछ लोग अपने हथियारों के साथ तैयार हैं :-) )

अमन आज़ाद

( मुझे मेरे बहुत से मित्रों ने शिकायत कि मैं अपने लेखों में बहुत ही शुद्ध हिंदी लिखता हूँ। कई बार वाक्य का अर्थ समझ में नहीं आता और अर्थ का अनर्थ हो जाता है। इस लेख में मैंने इंग्लिश, हिंदी और उर्दू तीन भाषाओं का समावेश किया है। हिंदी की इस विवशता पर खेद है। )

Aman Azad
Aman Azad

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Respected Speak Asians, 

There are few questions which brings Speak Asia in doubt about their intentions.
1. Why Speak Asia is not demanding their website back from the judiciary?
ANS: EOW’s investigation is still on so company can not demand this. After the submission of charge sheet it can be done.
2. Why company is not paying to exit optioners when it is announced on 21st November, 2012 that we will start the payout process in full swing.
ANS: In the same update company has said that the company had sent out the first set of test remittances to the bank accounts of some of the panelists. The company at the moment is collating the data as to whom all have received it and for those who didn't get it, the company is identifying the cause and finding remedial solutions for it. Once this exercise is complete the company will then start the payout process in full swing.
3. So where is the problem now?
ANS: Read carefully company’s update of 21st December, 2012. Company said that Further to our last update on the execution of the exit policy. We wish to inform our Speak Asia community that we have finished analyzing the results of the first test batch of payouts that were sent. We have identified certain roadblocks such as multiple claimants to the same panelist id or bank details not matching with the ones submitted at the time of applying for the exit policy, because of which not everyone got the remittance in their accounts. We are at this moment addressing those issues and hope to have a resolution to them by the end of this month. Once we have the resolutions in place we will then send out a second batch of test payouts. On successful completion of this second batch we will commence the payout as per the exit policy. 
4. Why company mentioned that there are more road blocks to release exit payouts?
ANS: If company is sharing the problems with their panelists then what is the harm in this? They don’t say that it is the only problem. They said that ONE OF THE MAIN contributor to this delay is the fact that we have had to do all the transactions and checking manually as our old automated systems are still under the custody of EOW Mumbai Police. We appeal to all the Speak Asians to remain patient and bear with us as we work feverishly towards attaining our goals. 
So the problem is not one, there are many. If all would have submitted the correct details, so many problems might not have been there.
5. Those who have given the correct details, why their payments has not been released?
ANS: Again see the update of 21st December, 2012. They have clearly said that we have had to do all the transactions and checking manually as our old automated systems are still under the custody of EOW Mumbai Police. We appeal to all the Speak Asians to remain patient and bear with us as we work feverishly towards attaining our goals
. Is it not enough for us? Ok no problem let me tell you. According to my knowledge now company will not release all exit payouts without complete preparations.

6. Statement by many - Speak Asia will not release any payout before restart.
It’s not like that. Company is showing his complete interest to pay before restart coz it’ll help them to resume their business. If in between it restarts any how, company will pay to the exciters after restart. So there is nothing like that before or after. Only the problems should be solved. That’s it.
7. Where has the company demanded for the restart of its business?
ANS: There is no such demand is required at this juncture coz investigation is on. After the completion of investigation, company can take necessary steps to resume its business. 
8. Why company is not demanding website back? (Again same question)
ANS: Demanding website is a part of restart. They can not demand for website till the investigation is on.
9. Company hired top most lawyers to run away safely.
ANS: Company hired top lawyers to start its business again.
10. Many say that Speak Asia will not be back.
See the coin carefully once again. If both the sides are real, I’ll buy something useful.

11. Where is the management? Why doesn’t it come in front?
ANS: Feel the management. Nothing is possible without them. Many happenings are going around us. Who is doing? They can not come in front because their appearance in public can create more hurdles. Many times a work which can not be done on drum’s beat can be completed silently. It’s a matter of our understanding & faith.

12. Suggestion from many: We should do something together.
ANS: Whoever comes in front will be abused & rejected by many (sick). AISPA is their to protect the panelist’s right. Support them or ignore them. Choice is ours.

13. What the hell is this? Speak Asia ne loot liya. (Speak Asia has robbed)
ANS: That means you are not reading properly. God bless you.

14. Speak Asia was the only earning source of mine. Unable to fulfill my daily needs.
ANS: Always remember : Earn & Burn.

NOTE : When someone shares his/her views, take it as a matter of opinions. Don’t accept it as a documented proof. Coz documented proofs can be more authentic & beautiful.
(Some people are ready with their guns to criticize. J )

Aman Azad

Thursday 15 November 2012

friends ,
       this is exit payment's proof given by one of the exiter . now , it seems , we are very near to re- start .
    WHY ?
      ans :-  because , SAOL don't have any operational problem , instead of banking Chanel . When media started his sought , then RBI's one of circular disturbed banking . then all Drama of FIR's was started and investigating agencies came forward  .
   Now again , payment through RBI  is started , it seems , this will be the end of our fights .
      thanks a lot to all of you for huge support & patience  , thanks SAOL , for excellent legal fight  for us .
   "JAI SPEAK ASIA " ... 

Sunday 11 November 2012

dear friends ,
    hamrey sangharsho ke ant honey ka first proof ......  Congratulations all ....

Thursday 1 November 2012

Respected Speakasians, 
Here is the few questions raised by the panelists in different forums. Answers are given by Mr. Satya Bachan. It seems to be the best answers at this time of juncture. I’ve just compiled for the ease of all panelists. Please correct if there is any mistake.
Q 1 : Who was the respondent no.4 in Writ 383 ?Ans : Respondent No 4 is Haren Ventures . Since they are the global distributors of the E-Magazine 'Surveys Today ' and the subscription amounts were paid to them ,they had offered to return the subscription amounts to those people who no longer want to be associated with Speakasia .
Q 2 : What will happen next ? Downline/team is harassing us.Ans : We can expect exit payments to begin , we can expect the EOW to file it's chargesheet , we can expect a legal move for consolidation of all FIR's and chargesheets , and all through this the company is working towards Business Restart . If your downlines have opted for exit option they will not harass you for long now . If your downlines have not opted for exit it means they have either earned from the company or have full faith in the company - so they have no reason to harass you.
Q 3 : When the normal payouts will start ?Ans : Normal payments only after business restart under the policies of the company.
Q 4 : Some exit optioners din’t received any email , why ?Ans : If some people have not received the mail it means that either they are not eligible for exit or they had made some error in filling the exit form.
Q 5 : When the EOW will file their chargesheet ?Ans : The EOW has announced via the press that they are filing their chargesheet shortly . During the bail relaxation hearing of a company manager on 18/10/2012 they had said they are filing their chargesheet in one month . So we should believe them.
Q 6 : Why the delay of payouts to exitors ?Ans : Where is the delay ? The 15 day period for submitting the confirmation form is still not over . Let us have some patience . The verification procedure is time consuming and has to be thorough.
Q 7 : Will the restart is possible after giving payouts to the exitors ?Ans : It is not wise to predict the future . As things happen we will come to know of them . The verification has to done on an account to account basis and it is time consuming . Let the investigations stop . Then we can all start talking about a quick restart.
Q 8 : Will the restart is possible after filing the chargesheet by the EOW ?Ans : The company is more eager than all of us to restart it's business . When the circumstances are right they will not waste even one day to restart . But sorry , unable to answer hypothetical questions about time.
Q 9 : Will the restart is possible after the finalization of all ongoing cases ?Ans : Soon a legal move for consolidation of all FIR's and chargesheets will be made . After that there will be no case except the trial at AP which is not a hindrance to business restart .
Q 10 : Has RBI issued any new circular to banks regarding Speakasia ?Ans : The RBI has not issued any fresh circular to the banks . However the RBI's stance , that it has never called Speakasia Money Circulation or stopped it's Banking Channels, negates the effect of the previous Cautionary circular.
Q 11 : Can the Tarak Bajpai addresses us publicaly ?Ans : The EOW should file it's supplementary chargesheet within a month or so. That will mark the end of this rather tedious investigation we all have been subjected to . Hope to see Tarak Sir address us publicly after that.
Q 12 : Is there any govt. agency said Speakasia to stop their business ?Ans : Once the investigations stop there is no reason for the company not to restart as no Govt Agency has ever said the company should not be allowed to function.
Q 13 : Why investigation ?Ans : Investigations are a natural result of an FIR . Every Department has a right to do it's duty to the best of it's ability.
Q 14 : Why the company not asked for the relief to the Hon. Supreme Court on the basis of Writ 3611 ?Ans : The company cannot ask for relief in the SC as it was not a party in the CrWp 3611 . However the Association AISPA may ask for relief.
Q 15 : Speakasia is not registered in India, is this the main reason for all these problems ?Ans : Registration of a company is not a proof of it's authenticity . There are many registered companies which have swindled the public and disappeared . Even if the company was registered an FIR against the company would have led to the same results of investigation and chargesheet .
Q 16 : Restart is possible or not ?Ans : Speakasia has a definite detailed working plan and has not committed any fraud which is why it will come back . The company is here to stay and do business the legal way.
Note : All the questions asked by the panelists in different forums. Answers are given by Mr. Satya Bachan. It seems to be the best answers at this juncture. Just compiled for the ease of all panelists. Please correct if there is any mistake. 

             Aapka - mahendra srivastava  
courtesy  - Aman Azad

Friday 5 October 2012


Respected Speakasians,

Exit payouts can be starts in coming weeks on trial basis. This is the way to restart the business. Slowly but surely we will achieve our goal & that is complete business restart of Speakasia. Be there to gain more.

Aman Azad

Sunday 6 May 2012


Thursday 26 April 2012

Tuesday 3 April 2012


good evening readers,
Contact with the company and officials
As you know, we welcome your feedback. Because of the overwhelming amount of emails we received on our present email address, our responses to you have been far from ideal. To remedy the situation, we have created exclusively for India more email addresses according to the regions. They are:-

Jammu & Kashmir
Himachal Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh

West Bengal
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam, Manipur

Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu

Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Daman and Diu

Please do note that when you are communicating with the company, kindly mention your full name, address, current contact number, your login id and the name of your immediate upline. This will help us in verifying your credentials. Please also note that if these details are not given in your email, no reply will be sent to you.

Aman Azad
Source : SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team

Monday 2 April 2012

2nd APRIL HYPE....

good morning readers,
After todays hearing i know and as many of us are depressed, disappointed and lost their hopes as something unusual happened which was not expected...Please dont get disheartened by whatever happened today....Today all it was a POSITIVE MOVE ahead aiming for the company to Restart...

It has come to the notice as there was no such pending tax liability on the company which CBDT has imposed and SC ordered them to file an affidavit since February which they failed to do so till now and i am sure they would never as Speakasia being an international comapny did not had any office in India so there is no point of such kind of tax....

Moving on to EOW as they have filed for stay for which today it was heard in is said EOW told SC that Speakasia is Fraud and for safeguarding the panelist money they do not want to hand over the complete data to the company...SC said if you think this is a fraud where are the proofs...they replied we had filed a stay application ...

Now SC have given 2 weeks time to file an affidavit to EOW and along with affidavit there has to be a valid proof...without proof the case will be over and they would have to handover the data to us...

Since 10 months this agency not able to get any single proof against our company and have delayed the proceedings of the company by harassing all innocent panelist and torturing them but they failed to gather any proofs till now

SC date has been listed on 30th April now which is showing in the website...this date is computer generated date...and it can change if required...And as far as i can see there were certain communications made by the management in the past days through email or blogs which is a positive sign and tells everything will happen soon..

We are eager to see the brightest sun shining which shall remove all the darkness everywhere and will make all of us alive once again to create a revolution which is the truth...We all need to continue having faith and unity till we get a conclusion from SC which will result in all pending cases which is going on...

Friday 23 March 2012

23 march 2012 . current situation ...

Hello Dear Speakasians !!!

As something good was expected today our company Speakasiaonline communicated with all of us and showed its intention for RESTARTING the business soon...And also thanked all the panelist for the same which is a great positive sign for all.
Regarding todays hearing as we all were expecting the case to get quashed it did not happen as the Case got adjourned to the next date for reply of affidavit from the respondent which is showing 27th April in SC website now...this date will get PREPONED as there was no intention of the Court in giving such a long date...So have faith in judiciary system things are in fast track mode...

The hearing which was scheduled today was about AP CID case and because of this case the Franchisee account got freezed by AP CID and the FIR done by Shyamsunder corporate fraud watch an NGO...

As per me AP CID case will not impact in WRIT 383 which will be heard on 2nd April...
AP CID case refers to freezing the accounts of Franchisee holders in Andhra Pradesh and other states...

So friends todays hearing was important but it should not impact the payments and website login...however it might impact the restart of our operation at the earliest...As we all know the next hearing that is coming on 2nd April which is for WRIT 383 for payment and restart and before that there are certain mediation meetings scheduled in this month...Expecting a positive outcome from the mediation meeting which will take place in this month...

Dont worry or get frustrated by the legal procedural delay by the Judiciary
Great outcome is expected in coming days for which we are bound to win and we will win....

More updates and news to be followed shortly please be patience and be positive nothing to worry about at all...

Wednesday 21 March 2012


The stay has been imposed on F.I.R By Navneet Khosla 
in the hearing of AISPA WRIT. EOW can not investigate 
further, they will have to get an order from the Hon. 
Supreme Court for further investigations. Next date of 
hearing (AISPA WRIT) is 4th April, 2012...!!!! 

Congratulations....!!! Cheeerrrsss....!!!!

Thursday 15 March 2012


Friends Mr. Navneet Khosla has taken back his complain today 
and the FIR is on the verge of being cancelled . Detailed update 
will be given by Ashok Sir tomorrow morning and a video update is expected today evening itself. Congratulations............... 

Monday 12 March 2012

12 march 2012

HIGHLIGHTS : AISPA : 12th March, 2012

13th March 2012: Mediation meeting before the Hon. Mediator, this is as informed by the learned PP Mr. Pandurang Pol to the Hon’ble Mumbai High Court.

It will not be out of place to mention that to the best of my understanding the SAOL Website will surely be operative by then. Once the SAOL website is operational and login permitted all the panelists interested in updating their details etc will be permitted to do so.
The panelists who have earlier applied for the EXIT OPTION will also be given an opportunity to reverse their application if they now feel that they do not want to affect the EXIT

Once the exercise of EXIT OPTION is out of the way the company will surely focus all its energies on restarting the business activities which is the interest of the majority of the Panelists.
1) Data Collection of all Panelists wanting to EXIT upto 31st March 2012.
2) Return of the Website for login by the Panelist ASAP, I sincerely hope that the same is done much before 31st March, 2012.
3) Ascertaining the Amount payable by the company, to the EXITING Panelists and to the various Authorities, by the Hon’ble Mediator, should not take more than a week to 10 days.

7) As per my best understanding I do not see too much time left for the restart of business and as I have some time back in one of my earlier updates explained how this hot air balloon of deceit and falsehood will spiral out with a simple prick of a favorable decision in the favor of the company.

Morya… Bhai Morya.

Saturday 3 March 2012


Q : Website kiske paas hai ?
A : With EOW !

Q : Exit ka payout kab tak aayega ?
A : Depends on judiciery !

Q : Business restart kab hoga ?
A : Judiciery will decide !

Q : Exit is beneficial or not ?
A : It's a entirely personal decision depends on individual's circumstances !

Q : So what is company doing ?
A : Saol is giving full support to judiciery to solve all the problems quickly !

Q : Is there any end of our problems ?
A : Yes... 100%

Q : But when ?
A : See the facts & decide yourself ! You know how our system works !

Q : Why there is no clear cut answers ?
A : Becoz matter is in juduciery & even judiciery can not announce any fix date !

Q : Now what I have to do?
A : When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.

                 TAKE CARE...

Friday 2 March 2012


Dear Friends ,

Here is a some info on exit option. Please read it carefully before going for exit option.

Interested in exit policy? Just to explain you in a simple way that it's No Profit, No Loss.

Exit option is a legal process. Those who will take exit :-

*SpeakAsia will have to submitt their complete data to the Concerned Authorities/Department after proper verification.

*Those who have not earned nothing or the amount equal to subscription amount can adopt exit.
*It will completely depend on judiciary that when & how they will implement this logical procedure.

*All benefit in the shape of RPs will be deducted from the direct sponcer/upliner
like direct sponcer commission, binary income and royalty.

*After exit if anyone will want to rejoin, the earlier same placement can not be given.

*Registration charges are non-refundable.

SpeakAsia want to pay to all their panelists not only to those who are interseted in exit policy.

Please check earlier communication on this matter.

This is one more step  of SpeakAsia to proove it's honesty, committment and a move towards success.

This one of it's first unique step of any company in the history.

Above info is the best as per my knowledge. For more details please contact your direct upliner/sponcer.

For more info please visit at below given links.

Link II : (Exit Form)