Wednesday, 26 June 2013

  Friends , once again some of selfish and money looters are active in field of Multi Level Marketing . They are promoting an organization QXXXX.COM as SPEAK ASIA  part-2  as part of SAOL management . This is totally unbelievable for an organization , which  is  on struggle to prove his authenticity under law of lands, is   launching  another one so mysteriously.
 If this is the solution for SPEAKASIA , that  can be opted previously, not tough job for web 2.0 based organization to launch a new website. 
 So beware such kind of LOOTERS so called  LEADERS. Save your money , team and prestige too . 
  I am not against any organization or any particular leader . Doing business or promotion of any MLM  is not bad , but promoting any other concept under umbrella of SAOL, during the situation , when SAOL is on path of under  investigation  by agencies and various cases, is just like recent activities of snatching ornaments and cash from injured and dead bodies at Uttarakhand. 

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