Wednesday, 26 June 2013

  Friends , once again some of selfish and money looters are active in field of Multi Level Marketing . They are promoting an organization QXXXX.COM as SPEAK ASIA  part-2  as part of SAOL management . This is totally unbelievable for an organization , which  is  on struggle to prove his authenticity under law of lands, is   launching  another one so mysteriously.
 If this is the solution for SPEAKASIA , that  can be opted previously, not tough job for web 2.0 based organization to launch a new website. 
 So beware such kind of LOOTERS so called  LEADERS. Save your money , team and prestige too . 
  I am not against any organization or any particular leader . Doing business or promotion of any MLM  is not bad , but promoting any other concept under umbrella of SAOL, during the situation , when SAOL is on path of under  investigation  by agencies and various cases, is just like recent activities of snatching ornaments and cash from injured and dead bodies at Uttarakhand. 

"Some Unforgettable Memories "

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Dear Friends . 
Today was my 3rd conference in a row after Unnao and Kanpur , i was ready to attend this with full of confidence. Team Aispa Lucknow was fully equipped with all tools . We prepare a file for Reporters with full information as below - 
1. Cuttings of Print Media Coverage From Various part of India .( 7pgs)
2. Petition Copy in Hindi/English(4)
3. court orders (8) 
4. SAOL Blog Copy (2)
5. List of Recipient (1)
6. Press Release (2)
Total Pages 24 with some plane papers , Pen and a fiber carry case .
Reporters came , we started with full of our team's introduction , So many Speakasians was present in Conference Hall , this was great support for me to conduct the whole programme , after intro we discussed our agenda of meeting with sequence and reason of the press conference . Then after there was question answer round . We did this twice or thrice as according to presence of late arrivals .
some interesting questions and our answer was as bellow -
Q. 1- Where is problem ?
A. 1- Problem is , Saol want pay exiter and we want to receive, because sever of SAOL is under custody of EOW Mumbai , then our demand is , keep continue investigation or all legal procedures , we will in support all this because we are law abiding citizens, If SAOL want to pay then LET THEM PAY .
we are here with a registered organization AISPA for benefit of SMALL AND MARGINAL INVESTORS.
Q.2- How many persons was sponsored by me in SAOL ?
A.2- I sponsored only 3-4 members , but this is not question of my team , we are here representing AISPA . Organization is working for benefit of 12.5 laks panelist of SAOL .
Q.3- How much you are confident for SAOL ?
A.3- I don't have any believe on SAOL , But presence of SAOL officials in every case with topmost legal team of India , affidavits of SAOL in various courts to declaring willingness to pay exiter and way to inform on each situation through online blog compel us to believe on SAOL .
I also added that , we are law abiding citizens , we will accept all decisions of law of land , if SAOL is accused then punish this company as per Indian constitution , but if they want to pay back to SMALL AND MARGINAL INVESTORS .then LET THEM PAY BACK .
and so many questions was there but most of my Speakasians are aware , so i am not including in this post .
All become possible , because of whole strong united team of Lucknow AISPA .
All the best . Thanks ..

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Dear Friends , 
We are organizing PRESS CONFERENCE at LUCKNOW on 22nd June 2013.
Venue - LUCKNOW PRESS CLUB, Time - 1200 Hrs . Your Welcome to be a part .

for previous coverage from various part of country please go to the link attached .