Monday, 12 March 2012

12 march 2012

HIGHLIGHTS : AISPA : 12th March, 2012

13th March 2012: Mediation meeting before the Hon. Mediator, this is as informed by the learned PP Mr. Pandurang Pol to the Hon’ble Mumbai High Court.

It will not be out of place to mention that to the best of my understanding the SAOL Website will surely be operative by then. Once the SAOL website is operational and login permitted all the panelists interested in updating their details etc will be permitted to do so.
The panelists who have earlier applied for the EXIT OPTION will also be given an opportunity to reverse their application if they now feel that they do not want to affect the EXIT

Once the exercise of EXIT OPTION is out of the way the company will surely focus all its energies on restarting the business activities which is the interest of the majority of the Panelists.
1) Data Collection of all Panelists wanting to EXIT upto 31st March 2012.
2) Return of the Website for login by the Panelist ASAP, I sincerely hope that the same is done much before 31st March, 2012.
3) Ascertaining the Amount payable by the company, to the EXITING Panelists and to the various Authorities, by the Hon’ble Mediator, should not take more than a week to 10 days.

7) As per my best understanding I do not see too much time left for the restart of business and as I have some time back in one of my earlier updates explained how this hot air balloon of deceit and falsehood will spiral out with a simple prick of a favorable decision in the favor of the company.

Morya… Bhai Morya.

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